Thursday, August 7, 2008

Powered Pedalling

I found and photographed this bike, on 07 August 2008, located at Ralph's, 101 Market Street, San Diego California 92101.

As many take to the streets with the bikes, some do so with a little bit more bling and a little less pedaling. I have seen several of these electric bikes around. They have about 10 to 15 mile range on their batteries. I can't imagine that they are easy to pedal when they are out of juice because the battery and transformer must add a fair amount of weight to the cycle. But if you are in good shape it could take some of the worry of being stranded when you run out of battery power.

One of the things that I have noticed talking to the homeless is that many of them are confined to battery operated scooters or wheel chairs. They are often in a real bind when they run out of power. I wonder if more people start using battery operated conveyances if someone will start making money by providing coin operated charging stations. I certainly hope so.

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